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New- Sunkenland Construction Kit Freebie
(Oct. 16, 2023)
A set of 29 props based on the SunkenLand Game (think 1995 Waterworld movie with Kostner) and includes Walls, Foundations, Floors and Roofs in Metal, Wood and Glass. Addtional props include Simple Bed, Water Purifier, Cooking Grill, Metal Barrel, Planter and Barricade components for your Waterworld scenes. Limited time freebie.
New- Sea Base Construction Kit
(July 19, 2023)
24 Basic pieces for underwater Sea Base, based on a popular video game called SubNautica. These base pieces can also be used for space stations or planet surfaces without breathable air. View Now

Processing you order through PayPal

(Apr. 30, 2021)
 Because MeshWorks3d is html based, A 'cart' feature is not possible. Each product must be purchased individually. We apologize for the slight inconvenience and hoping PayPal will develop a cart system for digital products in the future. Why they have not done this already is mind-boggling.

 Once you click the 'Buy Now' button on a product, you will be taken to PayPal to sign in and process the transaction. If you don't have a PayPal account, you can select 'Pay with Debit or Credit Card' below the log in area. After selecting the method of payment, you will need to confirm your payment to KPL.
IMPORTANT- Wait for PayPal to redirect you to the downloads page (usually about 5 sec). If the page does not redirect you, click on the second link, not the 'Return to Merchant' link.

If you have any issues, email me and I will send you a direct link to the product you purchased.

Carrara Cafe
Carrara Cafe

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My Birthday Sale
(Mar. 15, 2021)
 EVERY Product $1 each from March 15th to the 21st! This include BUNDLES... so be sure to check those before buying single products. Look for the red asterisks indicating the item is included in a bundle.
**** The Sale went well and made some new friends. <waves>

Computer Issues and Just General Funk

(Feb. 10, 2021)
The MeshWorks3d page had not been updated in over a month. Besides some computer issues preventing me from uploading new content via FTP, I have been in a general funk. I've not wanted to do anything internet related since late last year. Sorry about the delays in getting the weekly 'What's On Sale' item updated in a timely fashion. Through December and January I was creating 3D meshes that represented my mood, and thusly, will not be added to the store.

3 new Bundles added to Catalog
(July 27, 2020)
 I finally got around to creating the Product Bundles that customers had asked for. Bundles added to the catalog are;
RV Props ($15.95), with over 60 stand-alone props for the Cobra, Spaceship Segments ($15.95) of all three expansions, and the Cobra Motorhome Poses ($4.95).

Graphic Novels Added to Downloads
(Dec. 10, 2020)
MeshWorks/KPL shared universe graphic novels now available for viewing and/or pdf download. PG-17 novels included;  Reclamation, 3D sci-fi adventures; and Oblivion Aftermath, an Oblivion fan storyline. These graphic novels are designed to be 'A Shared Universe' where readers are able and encouraged to add their own 3D stories. I hope you will join in the fun. Link to connection page.

Cyber Monday Sale - November 26-December 10
(November 26, 2020)
Buy 1, get one free (of equal or lesser value) includes Bundles.

Lost Product Addon Revived

(July 20, 2020)
While going through some older model files I run across some addon items for the Stock Car Base Product. All the control files had been created and most of the icon thumbnails were made. The Stock Car Expansion #1 just needed a Readme file created, zipped up and added to the catalog. Sometimes, things fall through the cracks or just pushed to a back burner and forgotten. I actually have quite a few items like this buried in all my files and I will make time to find and revive them.

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Previous Customers
Over the next couple months, I will be combing through the saved database files from the old MeshWorks Shop. The hope is to recover all the email addresses for customers that had already signed up for the newsletter.

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